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Mice are nocturnal animals and you may not see them during the day. They are inquisitive creatures.

What to look out for:

  • Sightings – although they are generally nocturnal you may see them during the day.
  • Droppings – look like black grains of rice.
  • Signs of gnawing – habitual gnawing is commonplace as their incisor teeth continue to grow and must be ‘worn down’.
  • Burrows – holes in the ground up to the size of a ping pong ball.
  • Holes in the fabric of the building – about the size of a ping pong ball.
  • Smell – musky/urine.
  • Noise – like rats they are nocturnal and you may hear them in the building at night.

How to control them:

  • Ensure food is stored in sealed containers.
  • Clean up any food spills immediately.
  • Remove rubbish promptly and store in containers which deny access to mice.
  • Clean work surfaces and appliances regularly and thoroughly.
  • Find out how they are getting into the building.
  • A broken air brick or a gap around a waste water pipe provides access.
  • Do not block air bricks but cover with a fine grade metal mesh.
  • Seal gaps around pipes and door thresholds.

Mice are controlled by trapping or poison baiting.

Always read and follow the instructions on the product carefully. We cannot be held responsible for your misuse.

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