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Archive for January 2017



Solitary bees Masonry bees and Leaf Cutter bees nest in a wide range of cavities some of which they excavate themselves. The nest is constructed of sand grains or plant fragments and these are glued together with saliva. Solitary bees are normally harmless as their sting does not penetrate human skin. Honey Bees These insects…

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Textile Pests

textile pest

Damage to fabrics is caused by the larvae of textile pests. They feed on natural protein called keratin which is found in wool, silk, and feathers. These insects eat the keratin even when mixed with man made fibres. The two main textile pests are Varied carpet beetle and Common clothes moth. Varied carpet beetle These…

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The two main species of pest birds are feral pigeons and seagulls. These birds carry diseases which can be passed to humans. It is dangerous for people to come into contact with bird droppings. Therefore it is necessary to stop the birds from roosting and fouling in areas which are accessible by people. Pestcall provides…

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Wasps are black and yellow striped flying insects about 2cm long. They carry a sting which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. What to do: Use one of the domestic products labelled for use against wasps. A jar left outside, one third full of jam and water, covered by a punctured paper lid…

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Carrion fly

It is important to identify the fly species to determine the most effective treatment. Flies are attracted to buildings throughout the year for various reasons: In search of food In search of a place to hibernate In search of a place to breed How to deal with this group of pests Ensure food is covered…

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Bed Bugs


These are blood sucking insects and are normally active at night. They feed on human blood and can survive for 18 months or more between feeds. These insects have been transported around the world in luggage. What to do if you suspect you have a bed bug infestation. Contact a professional pest control company. This…

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Cockroaches are sometimes confused with black garden beetles. They are distinguished by their very long “whip-like” antennae, flat oval bodies and rapid, jerky gait. The adult German cockroach is 10 to 15mm long. The Common or Oriental cockroach is 20 to 24mm long. They thrive around the heating ducts and boiler rooms in large centrally…

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Mice are nocturnal animals and you may not see them during the day. They are inquisitive creatures. What to look out for: Sightings – although they are generally nocturnal you may see them during the day. Droppings – look like black grains of rice. Signs of gnawing – habitual gnawing is commonplace as their incisor…

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What to look for: Sightings – although rats are usually nocturnal animals you may see them in the day. Droppings – look like dark brown to black olive pits, usually 2cm long, but sometimes up to 5cm long. Signs of gnawing – habitual gnawing is commonplace as their incisor teeth continue to grow and need…

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